


Christmas Eve in the USA

Christmas Eve in the United States, which is annually on December 24, is the day before Christmas Day. It falls within the Christmas season, which is a time for people to buy presents and visit friends or relatives.

christmas pictures cards

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Were is celibrated: Kansas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas

Holiday Type: State holiday




Day After Christmas Day

The Day after Christmas Day occurs during the Christmas vacation period for most schools in the United States and is a public holiday in some states on December 26

merry xmas card

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Were is celibrated: Louisiana, Michigan, Wisconsin

Holiday Type: State holiday




New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve, which is on December 31, is the last day of the year in the United States. It is a major social observance and many parties are held, particularly in the evening.

Happy New Year Image

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Were is celibrated: Louisiana, Michigan, Wisconsin

Holiday Type: State holiday




New Year’s Eve observed

New Year’s Eve, which is on December 31, is the last day of the year in the United States. It is a major social observance and many parties are held, particularly in the evening.

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Were is celibrated: New Mexico, USA

Holiday Type: State holiday




Presidents’ Day

Washington’s Birthday, also known as Presidents’ Day, is a federal holiday held on the third Monday of February. The day honors presidents of the United States, including George Washington, the USA’s first president.

Presidents' Day

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Were is celibrated: Maryland

Holiday Type: State holiday




American Indian Heritage Day

American Indian Heritage Day, also known as Native American Heritage Day, recognizes the native American heritage, history and contributions. It’s the Friday after Thanksgiving Day in the United States. Some states recognize this day as a l…

American Indian Heritage Day

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Were is celibrated: Delaware

Holiday Type: State holiday




Return Day Delaware

Return Day is a traditional festival for the state of Delaware that is held on the Thursday after Election Day in November. It can fall on or around November 4 every other year to celebrate the announcement of the election results in George…

Return Day Delaware

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