



False Confession Day

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Holiday Type: Observance

Where is celebrated: USA

False Confession

False Confession Day is today. I bet you have been waiting for today, in eager anticipation. For some unknown, yet wacky reason, the creator of this day, though it would be fun to encourage false confessions.

Did you do it or not? If you did, mum’s the word today. But, if you didn’t do it, then today is your day to offer up a false confession.


While this day sounds like a lot of fun, use caution while participating. A false confession can get you in a heap of trouble in a hurry.  So, please don’t make any false confession that will cause injury or harm to you or others.

Here is a couple of our do’s and don’t’s as examples:

  • Don’t falsely confess to a crime.
  • Don’t falsely report someone lost, killed or injured.
  • Don’t falsely confess a relationship or love affair.
  • Do confess to kissing your dog on the lips.
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