National Philanthropy Day
(1 / 5.00)
Holiday Type: Observance
Where is celebrated: USA
National Philanthropy Day is today. Over the course of history, Philanthropists have made great contributions to those in need, and to worthy causes.
According to the official National Philanthropy Day website, this day is set aside to “recognize and pay tribute to the great contributions that philanthropy – and those people active in the philanthropic community – have made to our lives, our communities and our world.”
Great philanthropist are known in history for their many and frequent monetary contributions, big and small. Many of them do so in a quite way, not looking for recognition.
While we commonly view Philanthropy as a monetary contribution, the voluntary efforts at fund raising is also within the definition of philanthropy. So, if you have little extra money to contribute, you can turn your labor effort into charitable cash contributions by participating in fundraisers, making you a Philanthropist!
Coming holiday