Square Dance Day
(3 / 1.00)
Holiday Type: Observance
Where is celebrated: USA
Here’s a chance to get out and “Dosey Do” with your partner. It’s Square Dance Day!
English, Irish, and Scottish settlers brought square dancing to the U.S. As it evolved in the U.S., a caller was added, to help dancers stay in step. It remains popular among southern and western rural areas, and with senior citizens.
Couples square dance in circles or square formations. It’s lively and quick, and lots of fun.
Square Dancing is both fun, and great exercise. Medical sites and journals speaks to its health benefits for people of all ages.
The origin of Square Dance Day is unknown. Our research did not uncover the roots. But, don’t miss the opportunity today to “Swing your partner” to the lively beat!
Are you looking to Celebrate Square Dancing for a whole month? September is International Square Dance Month.
Coming holiday