



Take a Hike Day

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Holiday Type: Observance

Where is celebrated: USA

Take a Hike

Walking, and hiking is an excellent way to get exercise, and get into shape. Hikes are distinguished from walks, in that they are taken in the woods, hills, mountains, or somewhere else in a nature setting. Hikes not only give you exercise, they also provide scenic sites and vistas, that are good for relaxation of the mind and soul.

There is some reference to this as National Tell Your Boss to Take a Hike Day. We think it likely evolved out of Take a Hike Day. We have found no factual information whatsoever, on this derivation of Take a Hike Day. We also believe that telling your boss to “take a hike”, may not be healthy to your employment situation.

Some people have suggested that this day be used to tell someone to “take a hike”. We leave this use of this interpretation up to the reader!

Use this special day to take a hike, alone or with others. Make it a goal to hike today and work off some of the Turckey dinner you recently had. You’ll be glad you did.

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