Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: World




World Egg Day

What’s all the egg-citement about? Why today is World Egg Day! World Egg Day celebrates and promotes the benefits of eggs. It is truly a world, or international, celebration, from China and New Zealand to Great Britain and Mexico. This is n…

Egg Day

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: World




World Peace Day

World Peace Day encourages us to be kind to others, and teach others to be peaceful. The creator so this day, encourages us as individuals, to play a role in making the world a better place. The creator  believes it starts with us. He sugge…

World Peace

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: World




World Pasta Day

World Pasta Day is today. It should come as no surprise to discover that this special day promotes the consumption of pasta around the world. It seeks to increase awareness of the benefits of pasta. Each year on World Pasta Day, events are…

World Pasta Day

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