20 Christmas Greeting Cards & Wishes for Facebook Friends.

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christmas animated

Merry Christmas to all my Facebook friends.
Be kind to each other and
have a Happy Holiday season.

02. Wishing you all the best in the world

christmas wishes

I wish all my friends cherish the past,
value the present and hope for the future.
May all your wishes be fulfilled.
These are my best wishes for Christmas.

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03. Holidays Are Coming

fun wishes christmas

Merry Christmas to everyone!
I love you all and
I wish you all many blessings.
Have a fun filled New Year.

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04. From Our Home To Yours Christmas Card

christmas quote pictures

Wishing everyone a happy and holy Christmas!
Be loving and happy in this Holiday season
and through the year.

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christmas ecard wish

Season’s Greetings to All!
May this Christmas bring love,
understanding and
good cheer to you are your families
and may the New Year bring peace
and tolerance to the world.

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06. May all your Christmas dreams come true

xmas postcard

A very Merry and Holy Christmas to all my friends.

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07. Happy Holidays Christmas Tree

christmas glitter

May God bless you and have many happy returns.
May all your days be happy and cheery.
Seasons Greetings to all my friends.

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08. Happy Holidays Red Christmas Ornament.

christmas postcard

I am sending my Christmas wishes to you all.
I hope you have a happy time with friends and family.

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09. Happy Christmas To U And Your Family

fun christmas card

I send you millions of kisses and hugs.
Merry Christmas, my dear friends.

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10. Wishing You Joyous Holiday Season

christmas wishes pic

Season’s Greetings and Blessings
to all my friends!
May your days be merry and bright.
May all your dreams come true.
May your life be filled with happiness and love.

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11. Christmas Greetings From Ours To Your Friends

christmas quotes

A Very Happy Christmas to everyone,
but above all  A Peaceful New Year!

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12. A Season Of Merry And Bright

wishes for christmas holidays

Wishing all of you a merry Christmas
and a happy New Year.
Hoping the season will be full
of unexpected blessings.

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13. A Wish For Your Home

christmas new year

Merry Xmas & A Happy New Year to all.
May the good times and treasures
of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow.
Wish you lots of love, joy and happiness on Christmas.

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14. Wish Your Dream Comes True.

christmas tree animated

Have a Merry Sparkling Christmas
and a Jolly New Year! 
Hope this glorious season
gives you many new reasons to rejoice!

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15. Good Wishes For My Friends

christmas gifts picture

Christmas blessings to everyone! 
Hope all your dreams come true.

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16. A Wish For Your Home.

postcard xmas

Dear Friends,
Wishing you a merry Xmas &
a very happy New Year.
Thinking of you all this Christmas.
God bless you all.

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17. For A Special Friend

happy holiday christmas

May everyone have
a wonderful, happy Christmas!
Wishing you every blessing
this festive season!

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18. A Wish For Your Home.

christmas wishes picture

Merry Christmas to everyone
and their families and other special
people in their lives.
I wish you all a happy, healthy and
prosperous new year.

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19. May Your Wishes Come True

happy holidays

Happy Christmas Everyone!!!
May your Christmas be happy,
your feasting be fantastic and
your celebrations be sensational!

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20. Santa Is Coming To Town.

animation christmas

Hope you all get everything you wish for.
Happy and healthy time for everyone.

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