National Mincemeat Day celebrates a sweet and tasty meat treat. For those of us that have had it before, we can revel in the great taste. For those of us who have never heard of Mincemeat, don’t you think today would be a good time to get introduced to it!?
Mincemeat dates back to medieval times. It was a way to preserve food. It was also a treat, mixed with sweet fruits. Somewhere in the last half of the 1900s, it lost its popularity. A whole generation has grown up, not knowing what it is, or having ever tasted it. Today, it is most often served as Minced Meat Pie. Over the years, the amount of meat in the recipes was reduced. In older recipes, you will find meat and/or suet among the ingredients. More modern recipes, it contains little or no meat and is largely a fruity pie. It remains a traditional pie at Thanksgiving for many families.
So, just what is mincemeat? It is a mixture of minced (or chopped up) meats, suet, and fruits. The meat is usually beef, either ground up or sirloin. Fruits include raisins, apple pear, and others. Sometimes liquor is added, most commonly brandy or rum.