Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: National




National Chocolate Milkshake Day

National Chocolate Milkshake Day is an opportunity for chocoholics to savor and enjoy. The weather may have cooled off. But, our appetite for chocolate, specifically chocolate milkshakes, hasn’t cooled off one iota. The first milkshake was…

Milkshake Day

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: National




Uncle Sam Day

Uncle Sam Day celebrates a symbol of America. Uncle Sam is certainly one of America’s most recognized symbols. Uncle Sam appears on everything from military posters to cartoon images to advertising media. He is perhaps, the most recognizabl…

Uncle Sam

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: National




National Peanut Day

National Peanut Day is the peanuttiest of days. Native to South America, the locals there couldn’t keep this great nut to themselves. Actually, peanuts are not nuts. They are “legumes”, like peas, beans, and lentils.

Peanut Day

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: National




National Gumbo Day

National Gumbo Day is today. It’s a great opportunity, to enjoy a little Louisiana Cajun cooking. It is easy to participate in this special day. Simply eat some Gumbo. For those of us in the south, that is easy, as Gumbo is almost all resta…

Gumbo Day

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: National




National Dessert Day

National Dessert Day is a rich day filled with yummy treats! Celebrate National Dessert Day today. For just one day, forget about the calories and high-fat content in many desserts. Then, tomorrow you can go back to your diet. It’s easy to…

Dessert Day

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: National




Wear Something Gaudy Day

Wear Something Gaudy Day is your chance to really stick out in a crowd. The word “gaudy” refers to something bright, gay, cheap, showy, outlandish, or otherwise not in good taste. Have a little fun on this day. For just one day, forego fash…

Gaudy Day

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: National




National Pasta Day

Today is National Pasta Day. Choose your favorite pasta shape, there’s over 600 of them, add your favorite sauce, and chow down! For many of us, the first sauce that comes to mind is red tomato spaghetti sauce. There’s plenty of other sauce…

Pasta Day

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: National




No Beard Day

You’ve had a beard so long, that you don’t know what you’d look like without one. And, your lady friend isn’t so fond of it. Today brings the extra incentive you need, to shave it off and go without a beard for the first time in who knows w…

No Beard Day

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: National




Evaluate Your Life Day

Evaluate Your Life Day is a bit scary. It sounds just a little bit too serious for my liking. And, what if I evaluate my life, and find out that I don’t like it? Well, for starters, you can then make positive changes. Evaluate Your Life Day…

Evaluate Your Life Day

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: National




National Brandied Fruit Day

National Brandied Fruit Day celebrates sweet tasting fruit, soaked and marinated in brandy. This is a day that you have most certainly booked on your calendar, in eager anticipation. Well, it has finally arrived.

Brandied Fruit Day

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: National




National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day

National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day celebrates a delicious Fall dessert. In October, pumpkins are literally glowing. So, why not put two of your favorites together…..pumpkins and cheesecake!? They make a great dessert. They are both nutritiou…

Pumpkin Cheesecake Day

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: National




Make a Difference Day

Initiated in 1990, this is a national day is for devoted to helping others by doing volunteer work in the community. The activity can be almost anything. On this day, millions of Americans participate in community improvement projects. It t…

Difference Day

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: National




National Nut Day

National Nut Day is today. It’s a little kooky and crazy if you ask me. One can go a little bit batty contemplating the meaning of this day. Our research came up empty on information about this day. So, we can’t be certain as to the meaning…

Nut Day

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: National




National Bologna Day

National Bologna Day is full of baloney! Properly spelled Bologna, it is sometimes spelled “Baloney”. It is pronounced like the latter spelling. Bologna is a sausage. It’s commonly used as luncheon meat. Mom and kids know it well. When it c…

Bologna Day

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: National




National Mole Day

Chemistry majors, teachers and Chemistry buffs, this special day is for you. National Mole Day commemorates Avogadro’s Number (6.02 x 10^23) To thoroughly enjoy National Mole Day, one must first understand what a “Mole” in Chemistry is. A “…

Mole Day

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: National




National Mincemeat Day

National Mincemeat Day celebrates a sweet and tasty meat treat. For those of us that have had it before, we can revel in the great taste. For those of us who have never heard of Mincemeat, don’t you think today would be a good time to get i…

Mincemeat Day

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