Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: Federal Holiday




Memorial Day

Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday of May. It was formerly known as Decoration Day and commemorates all men and women who have died in military service for the United States. Many people visit cemeteries and memorials on Memorial D…

Memorial Day

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Were is celibrated: in USA

Holiday Type: Federal Holiday




Independence Day

Independence Day is annually celebrated on July 4 and is often known as “the Fourth of July”. It is the anniversary of the publication of the declaration of independence from Great Britain in 1776. Patriotic displays and family events are o…

Independence Day

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: Federal Holiday




Labor Day in the USA

Labor Day is on the first Monday of September every year. It was originally organized to celebrate various labor unions’ strengths of and contributions to the United States’ economy.

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: Federal Holiday




Columbus Day

Columbus Day, which is on the second Monday of October, remembers Christopher Columbus’ arrival to the Americas on October 12, 1492. This holiday is controversial because the European settlement in the Americas led to the demise of the hist…

Columbus Day

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: Federal Holiday




Veterans Day

Veterans’s Day honors all members of the Armed Forces who who served this country valiantly, and in a very big way. They served and fought to protect us, to keep our country safe, and to preserve our way of life. Veterans gave their time, a…

Veterans Day

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: Federal Holiday




Thanksgiving Day

Tucked between the two monster sized holidays of Halloween and Christmas, Thanksgiving receives far less attention. But Thanksgiving is a very important holiday, especially in the busy lives of Americans.

Thanksgiving Day

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Were is celibrated: Finland

Holiday Type: Federal Holiday




Finland Independence Day

Finnish Independence Day marks the independence of Finland and its nation-state birthday. The country became independent in 1917 following 108 years as an autonomous Grand Duchy in the Russian Empire. In World War One, the Finnish had to de…

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Were is celibrated: Most countries of the world, USA

Holiday Type: Christian, Federal Holiday




Christmas Day

Many people in the United States celebrate Christmas Day on December 25. The day celebrates Jesus Christ’s birth.

merry xmas card

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Were is celibrated: Most countries of the world

Holiday Type: Federal Holiday




Christmas Day

Many people in the United States celebrate Christmas Day on December 25. The day celebrates Jesus Christ’s birth. Christmas Day is a public holiday. It is a day off for the general population, and schools and most businesses are closed.

Happy New Year Images

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Were is celibrated: Most countries of the world

Holiday Type: Federal Holiday




Happy New Year

New Year’s Day falls on January 1 and marks the start of a new year according to the Gregorian calendar. It marks the end of New Year’s Eve celebrations in the United States and gives many Americans a chance to remember the previous year.

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Were is celibrated: Most countries of the world

Holiday Type: Federal Holiday




New Year’s Day

New Year’s Day falls on January 1 and marks the start of a new year according to the Gregorian calendar. It marks the end of New Year’s Eve celebrations in the United States and gives many Americans a chance to remember the previous year.

New Year 2023

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Were is celibrated: Most countries of the world

Holiday Type: Federal Holiday




Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the United States

Martin Luther King Day is a federal holiday held on the third Monday of January. It celebrates the life and achievements of Martin Luther King Jr., an influential American civil rights leader. He is most well-known for his campaigns to end…

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Were is celibrated: in USA

Holiday Type: Federal Holiday




Presidents’ Day

Washington’s Birthday, also known as Presidents’ Day, is a federal holiday held on the third Monday of February. The day honors presidents of the United States, including George Washington, the USA’s first president. (Observed in All state…

Presidents' Day 2018

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