Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: International




International Skeptics Day

International Skeptics Day is the perfect day for you…the “doubting Thomas”. Perhaps the earth isn’t really round!? Maybe, the sky isn’t truely blue!? Does he(she) really love me!? ……..These are the words and questions of the classica…

Skeptics Day

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Were is celibrated: Most countries of the world

Holiday Type: International




International Civil Aviation Day

International Civil Aviation Day (ICAO) seeks to encourage the use of airplanes and flying. “Civil Aviation” refers to flights and aircraft that is for personal and business use rather than for military purposes. Civil Aviation is a global…

Civil Aviation Day

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Were is celibrated: Most countries of the world

Holiday Type: International




Genocide Prevention Day

International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime 9 December is a United Nations-sponsored observance. This day seeks to raise awareness of the Genocide Convention and…

Genocide Prevention Day

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