Were is celibrated: Hawaii

Holiday Type: Local observance




Lei Day

Lei day on May 1 celebrates Hawaiian culture, also known as the “Aloha spirit,” represented by the lei, the traditional flower garland or wreath which people wear as a necklace or on their heads.

Hapyy lei Day (aloha day)

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Were is celibrated: in USA

Holiday Type: Observance




Loyalty Day

Loyalty Day is on May 1 each year. It is a special day for people to reaffirm their loyalty to the United States and to recognize the heritage of American freedom. It also falls on the same day as Law Day in the USA.

Happy loyalty day

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Were is celibrated: in USA

Holiday Type: Observance




Law Day

Law Day in the United States of America (USA) is celebrated on May 1 each year. It also falls on the same day as Loyalty Day in the USA.

Happy Law Day

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Were is celibrated: in USA

Holiday Type: Muslim




Eid al-Fitr

Many Muslims in the United States celebrate Eid al-Fitr (also known as Id al-Fitr or Eid ul-Fitr) on the first day of Shawwal in the Islamic calendar. It marks the end of the month-long fast of Ramadan and the start of a feast that lasts up…

Eid al-Fitr

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Were is celibrated: Rhode Island

Holiday Type: Local observance




Rhode Island Independence Day

Rhode Island Independence Day is a state holiday in the state of Rhode Island in the United States on May 4 each year. It commemorates the state’s independence from Great Britain on May 4, 1776.

Happy Rhode Island Independence Day

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Were is celibrated: Ohio

Holiday Type: Local observance




Kent State Shootings Remembrance

Each year on May 4, students, activists, and survivors gather at Kent State University in Ohio to mark the anniversary of the Kent State massacre in 1970.

Happy Kent State Shootings Remembrance

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Holiday Type: Observance




Cinco de Mayo

Cinco de Mayo is annually observed on May 5. It celebrates the defeat of the French army during the Battle of Puebla (Batalla de Puebla) in Mexico on May 5, 1862. It is not to be confused with Mexico’s Independence Day.

Happy Cinco de Mayo Day

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Holiday Type: Observance




National Day of Prayer

National Day of Prayer calls on all people of different faiths in the United States to pray for the nation and its leaders. It is held on the first Thursday of May each year.

Happy National Day of Prayer

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: Observance




Military Spouse Appreciation Day

The Friday before Mother’s Day in the United States is observed as Military Spouse Appreciation Day. It is a day to acknowledge the significant others of military personnel who hold the fort down at home while their partners are protecting…

Happy Military Spouse Appreciation Day

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Were is celibrated: Most countries of the world

Holiday Type: Observance




National Nurses Day

National Nurses Day is celebrated annually on May 6 to raise awareness of the important role nurses play in society. It marks the beginning of National Nurses Week, which ends on May 12, the birthday of Florence Nightingale.

National Nurses Day

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