Were is celibrated: Texas

Holiday Type: State holiday




Texas Independence Day

Texas Independence Day celebrates the adoption of the state’s independence declaration. It is an annual legal holiday in Texas, in the United States, on March 2. March 2 also marks Texas Flag Day and Sam Houston Day, although these are spec…

Texas Independence Day

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Were is celibrated: Illinois

Holiday Type: State holiday




Casimir Pulaski Day

Casimir Pulaski Day is a legal holiday in Illinois, in the United States, on the first Monday of March. It celebrates the birthday of Casimir Pulaski, a Polish born soldier who contributed to the United States’ independence.

Casimir Pulaski Day

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Were is celibrated: Vermont

Holiday Type: State holiday




Town Meeting Day Vermont

Vermont’s Town Meeting Day gives the state’s residents the chance to speak their minds in a public forum on the first Tuesday of March. This event is also the anniversary of Vermont’s admission to the union as the 14th state in 1791.

Town Meeting Day Vermont

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Were is celibrated: Alabama, Florida, Louisiana




Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras is a holiday in some parts of the United States and often serves as a festive occasion featuring large celebrations. It is also known as Shrove Tuesday, as it is the last day before the long fast for Lent in many Christian church…

mardi gras

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Were is celibrated: Massachusetts

Holiday Type: State holiday




Evacuation Day

Evacuation Day is a public holiday in Suffolk County (including Boston), Massachusetts, in the United States on March 17 each year. It celebrates the date when the British troops evacuated Boston during the American Revolutionary War. Bosto…

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Were is celibrated: Hawaii

Holiday Type: State holiday




Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Day

Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Day, also known as Prince Kuhio Day, is a state holiday in Hawaii in the United States. It is observed on March 26 every year and honors Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole, one of the best-known leaders in Hawai…

Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Day

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Were is celibrated: California, Colorado, Texas

Holiday Type: State holiday




César Chávez Day

César Chávez Day is observed in the United States on March 31 each year. It celebrates the birthday of César Estrada Chávez and it serves as a tribute to his commitment to social justice and respect for human dignity.

César Chávez Day

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Were is celibrated: Alaska

Holiday Type: State holiday




Seward’s Day

Seward’s Day is a holiday in Alaska, the United States, to commemorate the US purchase of Alaska from Russia in 1867. This state holiday is annually held on the last Monday of March. It should not be confused with Alaska Day.

Seward's Day

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Were is celibrated: District of Columbia

Holiday Type: State holiday




Emancipation Day

Emancipation Day is a holiday in Washington DC to mark the anniversary of the signing of the Compensated Emancipation Act, which president Abraham Lincoln signed on April 16, 1862. It is annually held on April 16.

Happy Emancipation Day

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Holiday Type: State holiday




Good Friday

Good Friday occurs two days before Easter Sunday in the United States. It is the day when Christians commemorate Jesus Christ’s crucifixion, which plays an important part in the Christian faith. It is not a federal holiday in the United Sta…

Holy week Goos Friday Day

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Were is celibrated: Texas

Holiday Type: State holiday




San Jacinto Day

San Jacinto Day is a day of state pride for Texans in the United States on April 21 each year. It commemorates the Battle of San Jacinto between the Texan army and Mexican forces, which took place on April 21, 1836. The battle was a turning…

Happy San Jacinto Day

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Were is celibrated: Maine, Massachusetts

Holiday Type: State holiday




Patriot’s Day

Patriot’s Day (or Patriots’ Day) commemorates the battles of Lexington and Concord, which were fought near Boston in 1775. Patriot’s Day is annually held on the third Monday of April. It should not be confused with Patriot Day, held on Sept…

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Were is celibrated: Nebraska

Holiday Type: State holiday




Arbor Day

Arbor Day is a state holiday to promote tree planting in Nebraska and is held on the last Friday of April.

Happy National Arbor Day

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Were is celibrated: Missouri

Holiday Type: State holiday




Truman Day

Truman Day is a state holiday in Missouri, the United States, on or around May 8 each year. It honors Harry S Truman, a United States president who was born in Missouri.

Happy Truman Day

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Were is celibrated: West Virginia

Holiday Type: State holiday




Primary Election Day West Virginia

West Virginia’s primary election, also known as primary election day, is listed as a state holiday in which state government offices in West Virginia are closed. West Virginia’s primary election occurs on the second Tuesday of May during ev…

Primary Election Day West Virginia

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Were is celibrated: Hawaii

Holiday Type: State holiday




Kamehameha Day

Kamehameha the Great was the monarch of Hawaii between 1782 and 1819. He is well-known and respected for uniting and establishing the Kingdom of Hawaii in 1810. Kamehameha Day is held in his honor on June 11 each year.

Kamehamela Day

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