


Christmas Eve in the USA

Christmas Eve in the United States, which is annually on December 24, is the day before Christmas Day. It falls within the Christmas season, which is a time for people to buy presents and visit friends or relatives.

christmas pictures cards

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Were is celibrated: Louisiana, Michigan, Wisconsin

Holiday Type: State holiday




New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve, which is on December 31, is the last day of the year in the United States. It is a major social observance and many parties are held, particularly in the evening.

Happy New Year Image

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Were is celibrated: Louisiana, Michigan, Wisconsin

Holiday Type: State holiday




New Year’s Eve observed

New Year’s Eve, which is on December 31, is the last day of the year in the United States. It is a major social observance and many parties are held, particularly in the evening.

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Were is celibrated: California, Florida, New York, Wisconsin

Holiday Type: Local observance




Susan B Anthony’s Birthday

Celebrated on February 15, Susan B Anthony Day marks the birthday of one of the United States’ most prominent female civil rights leaders. It is a legal observance in some states.

Susan B Anthony's Birthday 2018

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