Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: Observance




Button Day

Button Day is a fun day to collect, use, and just enjoy buttons. Button come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, colors and designs. There is an amazingly endless variety of buttons for your collection.

Button Day

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: Observance




Take a Hike Day

Walking, and hiking is an excellent way to get exercise, and get into shape. Hikes are distinguished from walks, in that they are taken in the woods, hills, mountains, or somewhere else in a nature setting.

Take a Hike

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: Observance




Homemade Bread Day

Bakers of the world, rise up and bake some bread, for today is Homemade Bread Day. Bread has been made for thousands of years. Estimates date it’s origin back to 5000-10,000 B.C. Modern day lifestyles has relegated homemade bread to the wor…

Homemade Bread Day

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: Observance




Electronic Greeting Card Day

Electronic Greeting Card Day is today. Send free Ecards to everyone you know. Most people love to send and receive Ecards. They a fun, and they’re free… a great combination. In exchange for the free cards, you may have to put up with a lo…

Greeting Card Day

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: Observance




Have a Bad Day Day

Have a Bad Day Day is today… isn’t this just wonderful!? As we began to research this day, we expected to find that this day was intended to recognize that everybody has a bad day once in a while. Au Contrare!!!! Believe it or not, Have a…

Have a Bad Day

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: Observance




Children’s Day

If you ever want to get confused about when a holiday is held, this is the one. We’ve done extensive research, and what we have found is there is really a number of Children’s Day observances around the world. Here is a recap of what we’ve…

Children's Day

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: Observance




Beautiful Day

Today is truely a Beautiful Day in every way, shape and form. The world is filled with ugliness. So, as day like today is refreshing, and eye appealing. It’s filled with beautiful sights, sounds and smells. But, wait a minute. Just what was…

Beautiful Day

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: Observance




Absurdity Day

Isn’t it totally absurd? Crazy or not, Absurdity Day is staring you right in the face. Some days are truely illogical and senseless, exactly the definition of Absurdity Day. So, by intent error, or just through surfing the net, you’ve stumb…


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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: Observance




Great American Smokeout Day

The goal of this special day is quite obvious: to get people to quit smoking, resulting in fewer health problems, and  less cancer and emphysema deaths resulting from smoking and secondary smoke.

American Smokeout Day

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: Observance




False Confession Day

It would be fun to encourage false confessions. Did you do it or not? If you did, mum’s the word today. But, if you didn’t do it, then today is your day to offer up a false confession.

False Confession

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: Observance




Go For a Ride Day

Go For a Ride Day is today. And, what a splendid time you will have! As the holidays approach, life becomes chaotic, and perhaps a bit stressful. Take a breather, and go for a relaxing ride. You don’t need a destination to enjoy this day.  …

Go For a Ride Day

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: Observance




Eat a Cranberry Day

Eat a Cranberry Day is today. Cranberries are good for you. How many cranberries will you eat today? Native to North America, cranberries are grown in bogs, and are primarily grown in New England. When the pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock,…

Eat a Cranberry

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: Observance




Evolution Day

Today is the anniversary of the publication of Charles Darwin’s book: On the Origin of Species in 1859. His controversial theory turned the world upside down, in tis thinking of how we came to be. And, it remains controversial to this day.

Evolution Day

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: Observance




Shopping Reminder Day

Shopping Reminder Day is today. On your mark. Get Set. Go Shop! If we all heed this reminder, there is no doubt the malls and stores will be mobbed.

Shopping Reminder

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: Observance




Pins and Needles Day

The real purpose of Pins and Needles Day  is to commemorate the opening of the pro-Labor play Pins and Needles on Broadway on this day in 1937. Over decades of time, people lost track of the original meaning of this day.

Pins and Needles

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Were is celibrated: USA

Holiday Type: Observance




Red Planet Day

The planet Mars is referred to as the “Red Planet” because it appears red in color. Red Planet Day honors our celestial neighbor, the fourth planet in the solar system. Is Mars truly red in color? Scientists debated this question, even afte…

Mars Day

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